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Squad => News da Squad => Topic aperto da: ElPube - Dicembre 16, 2019, 09:56:17 am

Titolo: Squad Ops HC - mod
Inserito da: ElPube - Dicembre 16, 2019, 09:56:17 am
Voelvo segnalare questa interessante mod :
(in verità il video promozionale è più improntato all'evento che alla mod)

Overall Summary:
The Squad Ops Hardcore mod aims to create a more tactical and intense Squad gameplay experience through respawn changes, weapon rebalances, FOB reworks, additional kits, and kit reworks. Special thanks to Legochiel for modeling and Hawken for texturing a great LHD model, and to Virus for his amphibious vehicle blueprint system!

Useful Information for Players:
Respawn Changes:
-Instadeath is back! If you are killed by a high caliber round, a large explosion, or a headshot, you will instantly be sent to the respawn screen.
-The 60 second revive window is also back. If you are killed again within one minute of being revived, you will go directly to the respawn screen.
New Kits:
Recon - A FOB hunting focused kit for the US, Russian, and British factions. Has a suppressed carbine and remote detonatable explosive charges. Can place rallies with only 2 players if taken by a squad leader, and 2 can be taken by a 2 player squad to form an effective recon team.
Breacher - The perfect kit for clearing out entrenched enemies. Equipped with an unscoped rifle and with timed satchel charges, which have a large blast radius of 10 meters and do devastating damage. Available to conventional factions.
Sapper - Different from the vanilla sapper, a mix of the breacher and the recon kit. Suppressed carbine, timed satchel charges. Available to the Insurgent and Militia factions.
Kit Reworks:
Engineer - The Engineer now has an optic rifle, an additional anti tank mine, and their explosive charge is detonated remotely. They also have more sandbags and barbed wire. Available to all factions except the Insurgents.
Scout - The scout is an old kit, and the loadout is almost the same. Binoculars, an IED, and now two anti tank mines instead of one. The kit can also shovel deployables faster. Sidearm upgraded to a Vz. 61 machine pistol with 3 magazines.
Raider - Now exclusively uses a PPSH 41 with a drum magazine, also has timed TNT charges  and the anti tank grenades have been added back in
Marksman - For the MIL and INS version of the kit the sidearm is now a Vz. 61 machine pistol with 3 magazines
Light anti tank - For the US and UK factions, the LAW has been completely removed in favor of the AT4.
Heavy anti tank - All HAT kits now have an optic rifle
General kit changes:
-binocs have been removed from non-SL and non-recon roles
-all unscoped SKS rifles have been replaced with the scoped version
Weapon Changes:
LAT/HAT Changes: The damage for all LAT and HAT rockets has been dramatically increased
New vehicles:
CAS Helicopters  - technically these are not even new, they exist in B17 but are not on any layers as far as I can tell

Titolo: Re:Squad Ops HC - mod
Inserito da: ElPube - Gennaio 14, 2020, 02:43:50 pm
SQUAD OPS whitelisted !  -bananacornuta
Titolo: Re:Squad Ops HC - mod
Inserito da: Aragorn89 - Gennaio 14, 2020, 06:33:12 pm
Devo ancora capire cosa fa! :ghigno:
Titolo: Re:Squad Ops HC - mod
Inserito da: Felix - Gennaio 14, 2020, 10:33:31 pm
LAT/HAT Changes: The damage for all LAT and HAT rockets has been dramatically increased

 -wow -wow :bravo: :bravo: -wow -wow

Gia mi piace
Titolo: Re:Squad Ops HC - mod
Inserito da: GnaGno - Febbraio 15, 2020, 10:25:40 pm
ho testato la mod sul loro server invasion

solo il fatto che ci sia l'Instadeath cambia completamente il gameplay, il livello di gioco è molto alto per essere un server pubblico sono entrato in una squadra e sono riuscito a godermi una partita cosa che in qualunque altro server è davvero difficile, peccato per il ping sempre oltre i 160/180